Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Christianity With Open Doors

The conversation is very intriguing, and also very confusing. I am a fervent Catholic, but this dialogue does make me question some aspects of the teachings a little bit, because I do not feel that I fully understand them enough to get into an argument about them. Also, I believe that everyone truly is welcomed by God unto salvation, as we all have an inherent need to be with a higher being: God. However, we are not entitled to anything, and we still have to choose to accept God to be able to actually partake in the redemption of our sins. Therefore, this affects our ability to go to Heaven, and we cannot share in divine life without accepting the divine life present in Jesus Christ.

Also, I thought that this conversation poses the question, as to whether or not we should have certain rights as mankind was given the task to be stewards of all creation. Also, this begs the question: Should we be allowed to have certain freedoms pertaining to our religion? However, I agree with the Church’s teachings one hundred and fifty percent. The only way to achieve salvation is through the Church, so we can choose any religion we want. Although, the consequences will most likely result in the loss of heavenly life. However, there are some small cases in which the person that dies is not responsible for their family’s decision of faith.

-Timmy Mashinski

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